2023 Nevada County Fair Info

Foothill Fibers Guild Volunteers
Our guild proudly hosts the fiber room at the fair. It takes many volunteers to staff the room and we need members to sign up to assist this year. Please email Mardi Naythons <mardinaythons@gmail.com> to volunteer! Volunteers are needed for the following assignments.

**Receiving, Judging, Setup and Release (August 3, 5, 7, 14)
View schedule here>>

**Docent Schedule (August 9-13)
View schedule here>>

**Teachers for Demonstrations
Schedule coming soon


Submit your fair entries for the Wool, Fiber and Textiles categories by July 24 at 4pm. For more information about entering, see page 30-31 of the Competition Handbook here>>

Fair Dates:  August 9 – 13, 2023
Location: 11228 McCourtney Road
Grass Valley, CA 95949
(530) 273-6217
Maps and Directions to the Fairgrounds
Fair website for more information:  https://nevadacountyfair.com/fair/